Unlimited Mobile Data

Stay connected around the globe
Travel & stay connected without roaming costs
Data options, Firsty Free or Firsty Fast
With Firsty Free, you enjoy free data while traveling or upgrade and get faster speeds with Firsty Fast. Compare plans below
Watch a 30-second ad and enjoy 60 minutes of free data.
Perfect for using WhatsApp, email, iMessage, Maps, Google Maps, rideshares like Uber, Lyft, and Grab, FaceTime, and online calls.
Stay connected effortlessly!

Data Plans for Paraguay

€1.90/day - unlock everything
High Speed
Message, Email, Maps
Social Media
Hot Spot
No Ads


Step 1
Scan The QR Code to Download The Firsty App
Step 2
Activate Your Free eSIM With An Easy Setup
Step 3
Watch one Ad to claim 1 Hour of Free Data
Step 4
Get 60 Minutes of Free Unlimited Data

Hear from our users

July 16, 2024
How is this free?
I’ve never heard of a free eSIM and cellular company until I found Firsty. It’s a good option for those who are looking to save money and connect to the internet.
July 7, 2024
Recommend for solo travelers
I’m a college student and I’ve been backpacking around Europe. I found Firsty and it helped make everything simple for me. The free plan was perfect for me.
July 10, 2024
Installing was so easy
I was worried at first about losing my prior SIM card and cellular plan, but with Firsty you can keep your other plans. Super easy to setup as well.
July 12, 2024
Came in Clutch
I ran out of data on my trip to Europe. I was stuck in a city I didn’t know and I was worried. Firsty was clutch and got me home safely in an Uber.
July 16, 2024
Just switch already
I love this app. My friends are mad that I get the best connection. No more crazy roaming costs from popular providers. Just switch tbh.
July 9, 2024
Great customer service
I wasn’t sure my phone supported eSIM at first so I contacted customer service and they helped me right away. There is helpful blog on this on their website.
July 16, 2024
How is this free?
I’ve never heard of a free eSIM and cellular company until I found Firsty. It’s a good option for those who are looking to save money and connect to the internet.
mobile data app
mobile data app

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How does Firsty Free work?


Firsty is a mobile app that provides seamless global connectivity for travelers. Firsty offers two products: Firsty Free and Firsty Fast. With Firsty Free, you enjoy a basic speed that allows you to email or message, completely free. It’s your go-to solution for staying in touch without spending a dime. Ready for more? Upgrade to Firsty Fast for lightning-speed data, perfect for streaming and video calls.

In which countries is Firsty available now?


Firsty's connectivity services are currently available in Europe, the USA, Turkey and Switzerland. We are actively working to expand our coverage and aim to offer global connectivity as of March 25th, 2024. Stay tuned for updates on our expanding network!

What is a Firsty SIM?


An eSIM, or embedded SIM, is a digital SIM card integrated directly into your device, such as a smartphone or tablet. Unlike traditional removable SIM cards, eSIMs are built into devices during manufacturing and cannot be physically removed or replaced by users. Firsty utilizes this eSIM technology to ensure continuous connectivity by remotely connecting you to local providers in the countries you visit, eliminating the need for manual SIM card swaps.

What is Firsty Fast?


Firsty Fast is the premium, paid version of our application. By upgrading from Free to Fast, you gain instant access to high-speed internet in supported countries (currently USA & Europe). Leveraging partnerships with telecom providers globally, Firsty ensures access to the fastest available networks.

Will I receive a phone number with my Firsty SIM?


Currently, Firsty is a mobile data-only solution , which means that phone numbers are not in our offering. However, thanks to eSIM technology, it’s possible to keep using your primary SIM card for calling and messaging in parallel with your Firsty SIM.

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